woensdag 27 maart 2024

Wisdom of today.

If your faith grows stronger day by day, you will certainly progress in your sadhana and there can be no setback. A break from certain experiences can only mean a period of processing, during which you prepare for a new set of experiences. Stay open and keep striving. Those who fall into madness have lost the true touch and have fallen into wrong contact. This is due either to a certain impurity and unspiritual desire with which the seeker begins the path, or to a certain insincerity, egoism and wrong attitude, or to a weakness in the brain or nervous system that the Force that has called it down , cannot tolerate. The safest way is to follow the guidance of one who has himself achieved mastery in the way. But this guidance must be followed unconditionally and sincerely; you must not allow your own mental being and its ideas and whims to interfere. It goes without saying that it must be true guidance, not the guidance of a novice or of an impostor.  

Sri Aurobindo, Light on Yoga. 

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