woensdag 6 maart 2024

It is not a 'Jewish Plot'.

I have stressed often in this book (The Trigger) that what I am exposing is not a 'Jewish plot'. The vast majority of Jewish people do not know what is being done in their name and most would be horrified if they did. I am exposing a conspiracy for human control by a global Hidden Hand - The Web - in which Ultra-Zionism and the Sabbatean-Frankist Death Cult is a frontline player.

Source : The Trigger The Lie That Changed the World 

Countries that are targetted by the Ultra-Zionists are Iran, North-Korea, China and Russia. (See Project for the New American Century).

The 6 remaining countries without banks owned by the Rothschild family: Abkhazia, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Bolivia and Syria.

Source : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Countries_without_Rothschild_Bank.png

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