zondag 24 maart 2024

Helping the homeless & raising awareness.

Dear friends,

I joined the online community founded by my spiritual master Swami Nardanand.
You can find the site here : 


Because I find it important to help with my master's work, I want to raise awareness and will donate a symbolic 10 EUR on monday to Samusocial. You can donate here to help the homeless:  https://samusocialbrussels.don-en-ligne.be/hiver2022/~mijn-donatie

My Master's work includes :

Natural Care Pharmacy Ujjain: Get well Natural Medicine. Founded by Swami Nardanand, Natural Care Pharmacy has created highly effective and unique formulas to help with a wide variety of conditions. Our Natural formulas are manufactured utilizing Pharmaceutical standards and offer the highest concentrations in the industry.
Elderly women at the ashram: Some of the elderly women who have no family, no house, no money, and no other means of support stay at Siddha Ashram. Some are so old and of ill health that they cannot do anything. Others, if able, may contribute to cleaning and other such activities around the ashram. All of their needs are provided by the ashram, including food, shelter, clothing and medical care.

Homeless people: Many other people also have little or no resources, and live on the street. When there money is there, Swamiji and the Ashram will purchase and distribute blankets, clothes, sweaters and food.
Medicine and treatment: Swamiji has many contacts in the medical community, including doctors who are his student. He will arrange through these doctors free medical treatment, as well as proving the money to purchase medicines and related medical materials and supplies.
Sewing machines: When financial resources are there, sewing machines and other machines are acquired so that the unemployed or unemployable may have a way to make their own income.
Finding jobs: Along with these services, the Ashram also helps people and community business people to work together to create and find jobs for those willing and able to work.

Food for saints and sadhus: Ujjain is a major spiritual center in India. As Siddha Ashram is prominently located on the Shipra River in the heart of Ujjain, there are many wandering monks and pilgrims, for whom food is regularly provided by the Ashram.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

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