woensdag 28 februari 2024

Wisdom of today from the Torah.

"Do not act on the basis of omens" (VayYiKra 19:26). Another translation of this verse is "You shall not use enchantment". Enchantment is the use of occult mechanics to affect people's minds against their will, which is also known as "black magic". This is another moral teaching that concerns the unethical practice of imposing a stronger mind over the mind of another and overriding the sovereignty of another person's psyche, especially for selfish purposes. This is the classical definition of black magic. This is what is commonly practiced through subliminal messages being flashed in advertising, television and media in general. It is also filtered into our minds through propaganda and distored news information such as what we see with anti-Semitism, as well as other common venues like political speeches.  Because this form of "enchantment" is so common, we have become desensitized victims of it. The Thora serves as a warning to wake up to these abuses and label them as they are.

Source : https://bol.com/be/nl/f/torah-as-a-guide-to-enlightenment/39393162/

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