woensdag 28 februari 2024

Wisdom from the Pleiadians.

 "Step forward as a member of the Family of Light ; have the courage in all the days you walk this planet to live that light and share that light with all you encounter."

You must understand how to discern the extraterrestial energies. This is a free-will universe, so all forms of life are allowed here. If an energy attempts to frighten you, manipulate you or control you, it is not an energy that would be in your highest interest to work with. You have a choice of who you work with. Just because someone has evolved many fantastic and seemingly magic abilities does not necessarily mean that that entity is evolved spiritually. Learn to discern.

From : Chapter Three, Who Your Gods Are

Wake up, humans!

Most of the subliminals on television are done through technology that was developed in conjunction with off-planetary beings. The use of subliminals to upset human consciousness has become a worldwide program.

If you think about the houses that have two, three, and four televisions in them, you must agree that this has been a very successful marketing program. Some people who know about the subliminals on television feel that they are immune to them. However, the effects of television are so permeating that no matter how clear you say you are going to be, you cannot counterbalance what the technology is presently doing to your vibrational frequency.

We have said that there are entities who feed off your emotional bodies. Think about what a clever tool television is for them. All over the world, billions of humans are emitting emotional juices into the atmosphere based upon what they are watching on the tube.

They don't have to have too many wars anymore to get you all riled up - they can simply make movies!

People who need to watch television are not tapping into the wealth of information within their minds and immediately accessible all around them. As a matter of fact, if you really want to evolve, do not read your newspapers, do not listen to the radio, and do not watch television.

If you are able to be media free for periods of time, and you disengage yourself from the frequency of chaos and anxiety and stress and hustle - bustle and temptations of all kinds that you don't need, you begin to get clear. You begin to listen to what is going on inside of yourself and to live in the world and not necessarily be lost in it. You become clear. We cannot emphasize this enough!

Electronics also jam your frequency. Even when they are not specifically designed to jam your frequency, sometimes there is incompatibility between the electronic frequency of something and yourself. Plus, as we said, many of them are designed to create static so that you will always stay at a certain vibratory rate, turning you into safe, harmless, inactive, productive cattle.

Outside the Ultimate Tyranny, Bringers of the Dawn

Vaccine Attack on Children

Health officials in the U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia and around the world are disregarding parents’ right to protect their children from dangerous vaccinations.


Not only are public health entities habitually and deliberately failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings, but they are working towards mandatory vaccination protocols which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all.

In fact, The RAND Corporation, known for war strategies and paid by pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur, outlined how to turn schools into drug-dealing vaccine clinics.

California lawmakers successfully attacked countless children as Governor Jerry Brown signed bill AB499 allowing 12-year-old children to consent to being injected with Gardasil vaccines without their parents' knowledge. Gardasil has wrecked thousands of lives nationwide, even leading to over 49 deaths.

Starting with the Hepatitis B vaccine at birth, children are constantly bombarded by the medical establishment trying to inject them with dangerous toxins.


Vaccines have injured thousands if not millions of people and have been proven to contain the following:

  • SV-40 cancer viruses

  • live polio

  • live avian flu virus

  • mercury (thimerosal) - especially in flu shots

  • aluminum

  • squalene

Fortunately, parents can currently refuse vaccines for their children in most states, but that right is now under attack.

If California falls like Washington State recently did with the loss of their philosophical exemptions, many other states will likely follow.


Read also : The Global War on Children

Sometimes the Truth is shown in the media, through independent
and alternative journalists.

Kristo Gabriel

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