zondag 17 december 2023

Astrological analysis of my chart.

Remember, prayers and the authority of G-d can change an astrological chart according to Dr Cousens' teachings where he thaught that Abraham and Sarah would not have children, but prayer to G-d changed this astrological influence so always trust G-d first, and not the charts.

You will gain a reputation as a truthful and trustworthy person.

You will have a keen interest in pilgrimages, travels. You will have interest in religious matters. You collect ancient subjects, books.

You seek to deeply understand yourself and the world around you. Your life is spent in search of insight and knowledge.

You were born on a Thursday. Jupiter is the ruler of this day. You are intelligent and of virtuous nature. You will have deep knowledge on many subjects. You are pure, skilled, and courageous.

You make a good leader, but due to your high energy and intensity, you have fewer followers. Many who follow you do so with a motive to gain something, and only a few truly believe in your integrity and stand by you. One flaw in your nature is that you do whatever pleases you without listening to others. Your thoughts and ideas are often of high caliber. You think deeply about anything, and even if you are passionate, you don't lose your calm. You have a nature of less tolerance and more aggression. You prefer simplicity and always speak candidly and truthfully. You are not one to say something different from what you have in your heart. Even though you have abilities to lead, if someone can perform better than you, you willingly hand over the responsibility to them. One unique characteristic you possess is the desire for radical changes. Sometimes, when implementing a decision, due to overthinking, you either fail to implement it correctly or make excessive modifications. Because of this, at times, people hesitate to entrust you with responsibilities.

Your primary education might be average. From graduation level, you'll start having a favorable period for education. Fields like computer science, finance, law, history, chemistry, and business-related subjects are suitable for you. There's a chance of scoring lower marks in exams due to lack of focus. You'll perform well in competitive exams.

You are honest in love affairs. Your innocence and sincerity attract others. However, the passion and intensity you bring can sometimes cause problems in romantic relationships. Also, if you can reduce your constant desire for change, the person you love might get closer to you.
You desire a beautiful and intelligent wife. Whether the life partner you choose is extravagant or has a complex nature, you find it hard to bear.
Compatible Zodiac Signs For marriage, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius zodiac signs are compatible. Relations with Virgo and Scorpio zodiac signs in terms of love and marriage might not be very favorable. Note: A complete horoscope analysis is necessary for marital matters.


According to your horoscope, Mercury and Saturn are significant for your profession. Their inherent influences will bring you a good career and wealth. Since you have the nature of working hard without giving up, you'll gain a good reputation and standing in your profession. However, at times, your innocent nature and tendency to trust easily may lead you to deception or injustice in professional matters. There's a possibility that others might take away the position or role that's rightfully yours. Professions that are favorable for you include police, military, medicine, technical roles, etc. You would perform better in roles that require outdoor interactions with people rather than sitting in an office. Businesses involving public relations suit you well. Some of the primary roles that suit you in the communications sector include news readers, radio jockeys, artists, drivers, or even pilots. Moreover, some of you might excel as sports professionals or legal experts. Even if you go into business, sometimes impulsive decisions and investments might lead to losses. It's important to note that partnership businesses might not be beneficial for you.

You're blessed with prosperity and favor from authority figures. Your respect for the divine and the learned is apparent, and your skills in martial training and animal husbandry are commendable. Your agreeable nature, wealth, and vigorous health make you a pillar of your family. Your energy is contagious.

Despite complex paternal legacies, your life will be enriched by family, wealth, and offspring. Eloquent in speech, you might assume roles in spiritual guidance or religious governance. Inheriting paternal assets is probable, even amidst challenging father-child dynamics.

Though compact, your physique is robust, with expressive eyes and a generous heart. Articulate and knowledgeable, you're courageous and have a strong attachment to your loved ones. Your geographical preferences bring you peace, and your gratitude sets you apart.

Extensive travel, moral integrity, and artistic flair will define your existence. You'll be blessed with offspring, adhere to righteousness, exhibit religiosity, and enjoy familial backing. Aesthetic appeal, enduring youthfulness, longevity, and renown are additional benefits.

You might feel misunderstood, carrying a mature outlook from a young age. Life's setbacks don't define you, but propel you towards introspection. Though you might experience fluctuating fortunes and unconventional appeal, focusing on positive engagements and avoiding risky investments are key to your happiness. Your unique path might be misunderstood, urging a focus on inner peace.

This position favors financial prosperity, a happy family life, and success in business endeavors. Your actions are generally principled, although it's advisable to maintain cordial relationships with older siblings.

You may face life's hardships with resilience. Upholding truth and fostering familial relationships can bring you peace. Embracing courage and cleanliness, both in thought and environment, will enhance your life's journey.

Prospects in law, journalism, or artistic fields are bright. Your independence suits roles in technology, finance, governance, or academia. While your intellect and eloquence are your strengths, a balanced approach to material pursuits will serve you well.

Masterful in sacred texts and potentially holding high authority, you might contribute to building community structures or urban development. While challenges in personal life and health may arise, your fierce determination and display of strength in your accomplishments are noteworthy. Your moral compass guides you, even when faced with tough decisions.

You are cautious with your resources, which might sometimes feel limiting. Your unique preferences in relationships and challenges in health call for mindful living. While you are clever in navigating social situations, embracing honesty and focusing on positive actions will bring you peace and satisfaction.

You could be an artist, jeweler, interior designer, architect, or involved in creative storytelling, arts, sports, finance, or textiles. You might find comfort working for international companies, particularly in fashion. A keen sense of style and personal hygiene characterizes you.

Saturn in Libra: With Saturn here, you're destined for success and might find prosperity and respect, particularly from overseas connections. Your eloquence and gentle speech win you honor, and your life is often filled with cultural richness, including a variety of artistic experiences.
Saturn in the 7th Bhava may delay marriage, and you might wed someone significantly older. Characteristics include lethargy, a nomadic lifestyle, financial challenges, and childlessness. If Saturn is strong or exalted here, negative impacts are lessened.

Rahu in Gemini (assuming the description relates to Gemini as Rahu's exaltation sign): Exalted in this sign, Rahu signifies triumph amidst adversity. It's a symbol of success emerging when hope seems faint. The companionship you keep is trustworthy, contributing to your success. You possess a noble mindset, capable of navigating against the tide, but remember, faith and perseverance are key.
In the 3rd Bhava, Rahu promises longevity and financial gains. Like Saturn, Rahu becomes a yoga Karaka here, blessing you with immense physical strength and fortune, despite lesser intelligence. You might have sensory impairments, particularly affecting ears or eyes, and likely be the youngest sibling.

Ketu in the 9th Bhava: Spiritual skepticism might characterize you. You're driven by honor, might cause paternal distress, and seek monetary help from those beneath your social standing.

Ubhayachari Yoga is present in your chart, it indicates that you have the ability to endure and have a lot of good fortune. You will have a well-proportioned body, strong and firm, but not very tall. You will possess abundant knowledge and will experience happiness in life. Additionally, you will have many servants, protect your family and will enjoy all pleasures. You will be as powerful as a king, always enthusiastic and optimistic.

With Vesi Yoga caused by Mercury, you may find yourself in a servant position and may experience financial difficulties. However, you will have a soft-spoken and modest personality, and may also be shy or timid.

you have Vesi Yoga caused by Venus, you may be timid and face obstacles in your pursuits. You may have graceful and swift movements, but may also face defeat in your endeavors.

Jupiter causes Vasi Yoga in your birth chart, you may possess courage, strength, and wisdom. You may also be known for keeping your word and being reliable.

Sasa Maha purusha yoga: Saturn in a kendra in moolatrikona or own or exaltation sign. You have Sasa Maha purusha yoga in your birth chart, you will possess qualities of being influential, famous, and having a high position in society. Your long life and philosophical outlook will be respected by others.

With Viparita Raja Yoga, if you have planets in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses occupying each other's houses, you may face challenges, losses or obstacles in certain aspects of your life. However, these difficulties can ultimately lead to success and gains in other areas. You may have the ability to turn misfortunes into opportunities and emerge stronger from difficult situations. This yoga is believed to bring unexpected luck and rise to power after facing difficult circumstances.

You may have a strong sense of identity and be confident in your abilities. However, this combination may also make you prone to being moody or temperamental at times. You may have a close relationship with your partner and be willing to sacrifice personal interests for the sake of your relationships. This combination may also suggest financial success and a talent for sales and marketing.

You having Mercury and Venus in one sign, you are likely to enjoy considerable wealth, excel as a politician, and be a skilled artisan. Additionally, you have a deep understanding of the Vedas, are eloquent in speech, and possess talents in singing and humor. You also appreciate fragrances and flowers.

The Mars major period during the Ketu sub-period begins from 20.08.2011

During the Ketu sub-period in the Mars major period, if Ketu is unfavorably positioned in the horoscope, one might face issues due to relatives and in-laws, enmity with wicked individuals, and problems regarding progeny. There could also be health issues related to the digestive system, unexpected accidents due to fire, or the need for surgery. Conversely, if Ketu is favorably positioned, there will be an improvement in financial status, blessings of children, increased fame, financial gains through professionals, job opportunities, great comfort, and successful conduct of rituals like Yagna. To attain auspicious results during this sub-period, worshipping Lord Ganapati is recommended.

The Mars major period during the Sun sub-period begins from 17.03.2013

During the Sun sub-period within Mars major period, you'll achieve promotion and success. Victories in debates, legal cases, and enhanced valor will be noticeable. You'll be blessed with vehicles, fame, and childbirth. Wealth and grain prosperity are also on the cards. Events like marriages at home, wealth accumulation, good health, and progress in business will occur. However, if the Sun is unfavorably positioned in the horoscope, you might face difficulties related to your father, conflicts with paternal relatives, and disputes with the public. For favorable results during this sub-period, it's good to donate wheat and worship Lord Shiva.

The Mars major period during the Moon sub-period begins from 23.07.2013

During the Mars major period and Moon sub-period, you will attain a higher position and recognition from authorities. Advancements in business, gains related to land and vehicles, mental peace, and benefits through the mother, including acquiring land, are some of the positive outcomes you can expect. If the Moon is not favorably placed in the horoscope, this sub-period may bring disputes over land or problems due to vehicles, and fears concerning health. To receive favorable results during this sub-period, it is beneficial to engage in food donation and worship Lord Shiva.

Rahu Maha dasha From: 21.02.2014

When Rahu is favorably placed in the birth chart, this period will bring you authority, recognition, victories, public attraction, foreign travels, interest in entertainment industries, fame, and wealth through these fields, and a keen interest in medical sciences. Conversely, if Rahu is unfavorably positioned, you might face fear due to authorities, thieves, enemies, fire accidents, court cases, health issues for children, mental unrest, harm to kin, mental distress, loss of reputation, frequent changes in residence or job, caution regarding eyes, fever, heart-related health issues, and work obstructions. To alleviate the negative consequences during Rahu's phase, worshiping Rahu or Durga is advisable.

When Rahu is favorably placed in the birth chart, this period will bring you authority, recognition, victories, public attraction, foreign travels, interest in entertainment industries, fame, and wealth through these fields, and a keen interest in medical sciences. Conversely, if Rahu is unfavorably positioned, you might face fear due to authorities, thieves, enemies, fire accidents, court cases, health issues for children, mental unrest, harm to kin, mental distress, loss of reputation, frequent changes in residence or job, caution regarding eyes, fever, heart-related health issues, and work obstructions. To alleviate the negative consequences during Rahu's phase, worshiping Rahu or Durga is advisable.

The Rahu major period during the Jup sub-period begins from 03.11.2016

During the Rahu major period and Guru sub-period, your health will improve. Your enemies will be defeated. You'll form friendships and relationships with good people and individuals of high status in society. You will receive help and cooperation from these well-meaning individuals. Additionally, you will enjoy benefits like affection from relatives, wealth enhancement, offspring, marriage opportunities, marital happiness, and success in endeavors. If Jupiter is not favorable in your horoscope, you may face financial losses during this sub-period. Your children might experience health issues. Overspending due to excessive desires and ego could lead to financial downfall. If financial troubles arise during this sub-period, reading the life story of Guru, performing Guru Puja, can result in positive outcomes. Similarly, reciting Guru Mantra or reading Guru Stotram daily can help alleviate problems.

The Rahu major period during the Saturn sub-period begins from 30.03.2019

In the Rahu major period, the Saturn sub-period may not be entirely favorable. During this time, you'll experience mental unrest, and despite your hard work, tasks might not be completed on time, leading to frustration and disappointment. Unnecessary conflicts can arise with family members or others. Misunderstandings may develop with your friends and family, causing you to live away from home. Health issues may afflict your loved ones, adding to your mental stress. Disputes may occur with your life partner. You might also face liver-related health issues. However, if Saturn is favorable in your horoscope, you will complete your tasks effortlessly during this period. Luck will be on your side, stabilizing you financially. Your enemies will be vanquished. To alleviate problems encountered during this Saturn sub-period, it's beneficial to worship Hanuman, perform Durga worship, and recite Saturn mantras.

The Rahu major period during the Mercury sub-period begins from 03.02.2022

During the Rahu major period, the Mercury sub-period generally proves to be beneficial. In this phase, you'll experience increased affection from relatives, worldly gains, financial profits, promotions in jobs, overall progress, and advancement in education. However, if Mercury is weak in your horoscope, you may face deception from relatives, disputes, diminished respect in conversations, and diseases related to nerves and skin. For remedy, reciting Vishnu Sahasranama, Purusha Suktam, and offering prayers or chants to Mercury can be beneficial.

The Rahu major period during the Ketu sub-period begins from 22.08.2024

The Rahu major period and Ketu sub-period may not be favorable for you. You might experience increased mental stress, obstacles due to enemies, conflicts with relatives, health issues for your children, losses in property, incidents of fire, accidents due to electricity, and fears of theft among other consequences. However, if Ketu is favorable in your horoscope, this sub-period can be advantageous. During this time, you may experience growth in devotion, receive spiritual teachings, and have opportunities for spiritual journeys. Performing Ganapati worship, Ketu Puja, or reciting Ketu Mantra can help in reducing the negative effects.

Source : https://onlinejyotish.com/

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