maandag 20 november 2023

Warning considering the abuse in the Church.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are said to be a Russian Hoax, but it is possible that they are being abused by the Sabbatean Frankist Death Cult, according to David Icke.

David warned in 2019 in His book The Trigger that one of the goals of the Sabbatean Frankists is to destroy respect for religions and the clergy through scandal and other means.

David also mentions that they want to introduce diversions in entertainment that require spending money and erode the enjoyment of simple cost-free pleasures.

(Smartphones, videogames, etc).

On the list are also:

Circulate utopian theories to enslave people in a labyrinth of impractical ideas.

('Progressive', 'New Age', Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez).

Control global banking and finance to enslave governments and population in debt.

(Achieved long ago.)

Destroy agriculture through industrialisation and then destroy industry.

(What a prediction this was more than a century ago given that industrial farming (promoted by the Rothschilds) has utterly poisoned the food chain and replaced individual farmers with giant corporations to control global food production.)

Divert the attention of the population with sports and vacuous 'entertainment' so they don't see what is really going on.

(Big-time happening and for long past).

Confuse people with false and contradictory theories that hide the real story.

(Constantly happening.)

Kim Michaels wrote that there are false conspiracy theories circulating in order to confuse people and draw away the attention from the real conspiracy facts like 9/11 and the J.F.K. assassination which involved the C.I.A. A Rockefeller insider who works for the C.I.A. told me that most conspiracy theories are true, and according to David Icke the top elite knows this, whilst claming the opposite.

Instigate class hatred and class war among different classes of people.

(This has now been morphed into hatred and war between self-identities.)

Create division between all groups including employers and employees and 'right' and 'left'.

(Happening in ever greater extremes.)

Destroy nations and break the spirit of humanity with all kinds of suffering, deprivation, food shortages and reasons to fear.

(Happening to so many today (see the EU) and we have seen nothing yet unless the world wakes up to what is being imposed upon us.)

Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion 

The most evil document on Earth. The document was written by Caligastia and is a masterful blueprint on how to control the entire race of Earth without them even being aware of it! The document has become the “Manual” of The Illuminati and The Secret Government and the blueprint for The New World Order.

If it's true that there are certain groups misusing the Jewish people for their own benefit, in Israel and beyond, then it is very good that David Icke helps to expose these Sabbateans, who are said to be black sorcerers.

Source :

The Trigger: The Lie That Changed the World by David Icke

Keep in heart that the Luciferian religion that is behind the United Nations and many world leaders is opposed to Zionism and against Israel, so in order to get things clear you must study all these subjects.

I am for religions, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, it doesn't matter.

This book is also recommended : Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 by John Coleman (Author)

May we protect the the Truth and help people with researching these topics.
May abuse be exposed, without throwing the baby away with the bathwater.

According to David Icke, the Vatican is a major player in child trafficking, so that must be ended, and it doesn't mean that all priests are abusers.

Love, in service to a free humanity,

Kristo(f) Gabriel

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