dinsdag 28 november 2023

Srila Prabhupada chanting Hare Krsna(8 rounds) (1round -5.30min).

One is recommended to worship this incarnation by chanting, the saṅkīrtana-yajña. The performance of saṅkīrtana-yajña is a special concession for human society to save people from being affected by known or unknown sinful activities. We are surrounded by unlimited sins, and therefore it is compulsory that one take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness and chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.


"One can sing (kirtana) some rounds from his daily quota of chanting accompanied by clapping or musical instruments like karatals and mrdangas. At that time he will experience the enlightenment and enlivenment of all his senses and he will dance in supreme joy."

name navavidha anga karaya asraya;
tathapi kirtana-smrti sarva-srestha haya.

Suta Goswami said:  "Maharaja Pariksit, thus being petitioned by the personality of  Kali, gave him permission to reside in places where gambling, drinking, prostitution  and animal slaughter were performed."
Gambling destroys truthfulness.  Intoxication destroys austerity.  Illicit sex destroys cleanliness, and  mercy is destroyed by eating meat, fish and eggs.  The four virtues which destroy sins are the very  supports or pillars (legs) of religion (dharma) personified.  Thus the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra is the medicine and Krishna prasadam and the regulative principles are the diet for the spiritual practitioner.  Both are necessary for achieving success in the chanting process.  (Purport) ends)

ataeva spasta nama bhava-lagna mane;
sada haya, e-prarthana tomara carane.


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