donderdag 26 oktober 2023

General Protection & Prevention Protocol.


Part 1 - 'The 4-Must Have'

1 . Illumodine, Iodine

      - 25 drops X 2-3 times a day - start gradually 5, 10, 15... increase after a few days, must be 15 minutes before any other supplement/food

2 . MegaDefense, immune support

      - 3 capsules X 2 a day

3 . Rad Neutral, removes radiation

     - 10 drops x once a day. must be away from any other supplement/food

4 . Quercetin

     - 500mg X 2 a day

Part 2 - 'The Second Layer'

1 . NATTOXYM Anti-clotting Systemic Enzyme (Nattokinase)

      - 1 capsule x 2 a day - should be taken at least half an hour away from other supplements/ food.

2 . Radiant C, Natural Vitamin C

      -  2-4 capsules x 2 a day

3 . Raw B Code, B vitamins complex

      - 2 capsules x 2 a day

4 . Zinc

      - 1 teaspoon of Angstrom Zinc / 30-60mg x once a day

5 . Vitamin D3

      - 5-10 drops X 1 / 5,000 - 10,000 IU  x 1 a day

6 . 'Chin Up' Homeopathic remedy

-  7 drops once a month

Products available here:

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