woensdag 27 september 2023

Wisdom by Gabriel Gonsalves, The Heart Leader.

Heart Mastery: The Key to Unlocking your Highest Potential


We are all travelers on this path. Plumbers and priests, laborers and lawyers, nurses and newscasters—we all follow our hearts along the same path to the same goal, the fulfillment of the purpose of life: illumination.

~ Puran & Susanna Bair

Affirmations on #Freedom👇🏼

Place a hand over your heart, and wholeheartedly repeat the following affirmations to yourself out loud:

I now reclaim my divine right to be free.

I am free to be myself and trust in God's plan for my life.

I am free from other people's thoughts or opinions about me.

I choose freedom over bondage and abundance over lack.

With God's help, I am now free to follow my heart.

For a 1-minute video containing these affirmations, click here. 

Read the full article here if you wish to do so : https://gabrielgonsalves.com/heart-mastery-the-key-to-unlocking-your-highest-potential/

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