donderdag 21 september 2023

Vedic Study of the Bhagavat Purana.

I am starting my in-depth study of the Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavat Purana). I have a lawyer who controls my money since I studied law more than ten years ago and because I gave away too much to good causes, according to them. She promised to pay the books but hasn't kept her word. I had a small debt of 700 EUR because of the Practical Law study more than ten years ago. Anyway, this was all unnecessary control from the system. Only childish people want to keep money for themselves. The great souls like the Mahatmas and the bodhisattvas are wise in giving wealth away. This is according to the teachings of Tsong Kha Pa who is said to be an incarnation of Lord Buddha.

Tsongkhapa Lobzang Drakpa (1357–1419), was one of the most important figures in Tibet, historically and philosophically. As the founder of the Gelug school he made an enormous contribution to revitalizing Buddhism in Tibet. Regarded as an emanation of Manjushri--the bodhisattva of wisdom and discerning intelligence, Tsongkhapa was of keen intellect as well as experiential understanding of the Buddhist tradition. He undertook many long retreats during which he had profound visions out of which he wrote many of his celebrated treatises including Lam Rim Chenmo or The Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path. A prolific writer, he composed 210 treatises, compiled into 20 volumes wherein he emphasized the combined paths of Sutra and Tanta. In addition, he established the acclaimed Ganden monastery.

You can study the Bhagavad Purana for free here :

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