donderdag 31 augustus 2023

Wisdom of today by Kim Michaels.

"As we rise to a certain level of Christhood (beyond the 96th level), we make it possible for a certain element of the fallen consciousness to be removed from the earth, along with beings who embody it. This is what Jesus came to demonstrate, and the masters say there are currently 
10 000 people in embodiment who could quickly claim their Christhood and begin to serve in this capacity [See the book: The Mystical Teachings of Jesus]. In some cases, this means we must allow people in the fallen consciousness to attack us and we must avoid fighting them back, as Jesus demonstrated by letting him be crucified. In this day and age, we don't have to be physically crucified or killed in order to take this stand, but we have to be prepared to be persecuted by those who are still stuck in the fallen consciousness."

Jesus was and is an example to follow, and it is a tragedy that mainstream Christianity has turned him into an idol to worship.

Jesus came to give us an example of the higher state of consciousness that all of us can achieve. This reality has been deliberately hidden from people, and ironically this has been done by the very religion that claims to represent Jesus on earth.

Jesus, both back then and today, wants all of us to follow his example and attain the Christ consciousness, so we can do the works that he did.

Right now, there are 10,000 people in embodiment who have the potential to attain full Christhood in this lifetime. There are millions more who can attain a high degree of Christhood in this lifetime.

This website is dedicated to helping you fulfill your potential and claim your Christhood. You will find profound teachings and practical tools to help you achieve this goal.

If this resonates with you, it is because you volunteered to take embodiment at this time in order to give Jesus the victory of seeing a critical mass of people follow his example and take this planet into a golden age. 

If you use a perverted version of my teachings as a justification for closing your mind to my real teachings, you are not one of my modern-day disciples. – Jesus

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