donderdag 29 juni 2023

Dr Gabriel Cousens : Active Iodine (I-) is unarguably the most ancient and powerful antioxidant on earth.

© 2021 Gabriel K. Cousens, M.D., M.D.(H), D.D. and Nonnie: Chrystal©, Agent Disclaimer: The following statements have not been evaluated by the [FDA]. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Any information contained herein is for entertainment purposes only. Active Iodine (I-) is unarguably the most ancient and powerful antioxidant on earth. Radioactive particles, even those found in “Natural” Background Radiation, are the most damaging free radical to the DNA exhausting the most antioxidants. Although antioxidants in general provide radioprotection, iodine in the form of I-, created 3 billion years ago, absorbs 3,000 times more photoelectrons (ionizing radiation) compared to normal tissue. Unsaturated iodolipids comprise ~50% of the cellular/mitochondrial/nuclear outer membranes to create enclosed protection of the inner contents of the cell. The other ~50% are composed of saturated lipids that have a low “iodine value” meaning these lipids are stable enough not to require iodine. Iodine acts in this context as a “frontline soldier” to absorb ionizing radiation at the outermost cellular/mitochondrial/nuclear membranes in order to protect the innermost God-given DNA from radiation damage. Iodine is also anti-bacterial; anti-viral; anti-fungal; anti-parasitic; anti-inflammatory; anti-allergenic; antihistamine; mucolytic; hydrating; detoxifying; energy producing; and not only performs DNA repair but also a unique function known as healthy apoptosis, which supports the body’s ability to eliminate mutated cells underlying cancer or other chronic diseases and replace those cells with healthy cells. The intestines produce and contain 95% of the serotonin found in the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that creates the feeling of well-being and happiness. Iodine is the best anti-parasitic. Since parasites eat serotonin, iodine is therefore important in ameliorating mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Illumodine©™ is a superior formulation of iodine (~100% bioactive iodine (I-)) for the following reasons: Experience with Illumodine©™. Gabriel K. Cousens, M.D. (Medical Doctor), M.D. (H) (Doctor of Homeopathy), D.D. (Doctor of Divinity), has been doing research on Illumodine™ since 2011 with hundreds of patients as well as hearing about the positive results with thousands of people. A psychiatrist, Dr. Cousens has researched many sources of iodine for many decades since iodine is an important nutrient for brain function. “Iodine deficiency” is ~72-96% worldwide. The primary reason for mitochondrial failure is iodine deficiency. This is significant because with iodine deficiency brain function on multiple levels goes down. The average healthy brain cell has up to 5,000 mitochondria. An unhealthy, iodine deficient cell has 200-300 mitochondria. “Iodine sufficiency” activates each mitochondrion to produce 18 times more brain cell energy. The result of this is an amelioration of depression and anxiety and an increase in IQ and clarity of mind. For example, enhanced brain function is connected to iodine sufficiency such as with iodine sufficient mothers during pregnancy who have children with up to 13.5 points higher IQ; and iodine sufficient pre-school children (25- 59 months) who have up to ~9 points higher IQ in 12 weeks. Enhanced brain function which improves clarity of mind helps expand our consciousness. From a spiritual perspective, iodine, the main food for the thyroid (located in the neck), is the most spiritual nutrient since it provides the necessary bridge between the lower energy centers (body) and the higher energy centers (head) for elevated consciousness. Part of this elevation happens via the scientific principle, Competitive Inhibition, in which iodine sufficiency can help eliminate harmful fluoride out of the pineal gland. Iodine can also help eliminate mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium. The pineal gland is responsible for activating the third eye: Matthew 6:22: “Meditate, let thine eye [pineal gland] be single and thy whole body shall be filled with light.” For reasons of vibrant health, liberating humanity, and peace on earth, the most bioavailable, effective, highestfrequency formulation of iodine is found in the True Scalar Energy©™ charged Illumodine©™.

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