maandag 22 mei 2023

Why does Sadhguru say it's currently Dwapar Yuga when it's clearly Kali Yuga ongoing?


Jai Shri Ram

I respect Sadhguru ji for the kind of person he is, But he’s misinterpreting our scriptures by saying So. In Short, We are in the Golden age of Kaliyuga, which lasts for first 10,000 years, and we haven’t even entered the First stage of Kaliyuga. Dwapar yuga ended with the departure of Shri Krishna for The Goloka.

The Yugas go in a linear pattern, and not in some sort of cycle, and there is nothing like “ascending dwapar” or “descending dwapar”. Don't believe those guys who claim to use “common sense” Because their common sense won't work against divine phenomenon or the mind of those Sages who wrote our books. I wont be using any quotes or verses here, and i will try to explain things to the point :

  • There is a misconception regarding the timelines, The people who say this is dwapar yuga, Claim kaliyuga is of 1200 years, but the truth is that, kaliyuga is of 1200 DIVINE years, and one divine year is equal to 360 human years, which means kaliyuga will last for 4,32,000 human years, and even the Padma puran agrees with me.
  • In the Brahmavaivart puran, in an ongoining conversation between Krishna and Devi Ganga, He clearly tells her that, first 10,000 years of Kaliyuga will be the golden age of Kaliyuga, where Developments will occur, and it will come to a big halt after the first stage of Kaliyuga begins.
  • Now they have created their own theory of cyclic pattern of Yuga, which is also Incorrect. Srimad Bhagwatam, Bhavisya puran and Kalki puran clearly mention that satiyuga will commence after Kaliyuga is ended by the Kalki avatar. So, the theory of ascending/descending dwapar/treta is false.
  • They say that Kalki is just a personification, but it is also wrong, because Bhavisya puran and Srimad bhagvatam clearly describe the appearence of Kalki. Now if you dont believe this, then Kalki puran talks about his whole life story. Do you think someone will write the life story of a mere personification?
  • If Kaliyuga ended, then where is Lord Kalki? where is devadutt? how come warriors of Mahanbharata times lived beyond age of hundred years when it was Kaliyuga at that time? The srimad bhagvatam clearly says that the age of a person will become 50 years by the end of Kaliyuga.
  • Even The legendary scientist Aryabhatta in his Surya siddhanta says that Kaliyuga began in 3102 BC, the time when Shri krishna left this abode and went back to Goloka. Dwapar yuga ended right after Shri Krishna left. we still have 4,26,878 years for kaliyuga to end, and it will be followed by Satiyuga. The theory of 2025 is also a fallacy, and plus there are various symptons of Kaliyuga given in purans that match with today’s condition.

conclusion : we are in Golden era of The age of kali.

Daśanāmi Vaiṣṇava
Daśanāmi Vaiṣṇava

Source : Dasanami Vaisnava on

Note by the editor : Alice Bailey wrote about the Externalisation of the Spiritual Hierarchy by the year 2025 when the Masters of Wisdom would walk amongst humanity. If this will be real masters or a demonic luciferian NWO hierarchy can't be predicted at this time, but even people in politics know about the shift in the year 2025. I am not a new ager anymore but I studied these things in the past for the benefit of all of humanity. 

Kristo(f) Gabriel

Do your own research

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