zaterdag 20 mei 2023

Avatars, Masters, Disciples.

Eastern teachers: The various Eastern gurus who come to the West, such as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Swami Prabhupada (of the Hare Krishnas) are all disciples of a certain Master. They are sent to the West to introduce one or other form of meditation or spritual practice.
There are also Avatars that appear in India, such as Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and Sai Baba. They are not actually members of this planet's Spiritual Hierarchy but 'come in' from outside the planet. The group of Masters involved with the Western world (such as DK, Morya, and Koot Humi) are members of the Trans Himalayan Lodge. Unlike the members of the separate, South Indian Lodge, these Masters do not work openly as yet, but are in the process of emergence into the everyday world following the Day of Declaration.

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