woensdag 26 april 2023

Wisdom of Michael Pedersen.

We are responsible for some things in our life and not for others. The important concept is taking personal responsibility for our own life and how it turns out.

We live in a society that loves to point fingers and assign blame. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that everything happening in our lives is either a direct result of our own actions or someone else's fault.

But let's face it, life isn't that clear cut. In reality, our responsibility for the things in our lives has a wide range.

We are not responsible for the circumstances we were born into, the family we grew up with, or the genetic lottery we were handed. It's critical to recognize that we're not responsible for all the events in our lives or the way others react to us.

We are responsible for how we respond to life's challenges and the choices we make in the face of adversity. We're accountable for our actions, our mindset, and the boundaries we set in our relationships.

A contrarian view of this topic reveals the more we take responsibility for our own well-being and happiness, the less we feel like victims of our circumstances. Embracing responsibility gives us the power to overcome adversity and create the lives we desire. It allows us to break free from the constraints of societies expectations and choose our own paths.

When we are present and in-tuned with our thoughts and feelings we have better clarity on what’s happening in the moment; and how we can respond to create a happier environment and life.

We cannot continue to look outward for the answers. We can only control what we can control and that’s it! We cannot burn anymore calories placing blame. We cannot play the victim any longer. We have to take personal responsibility for the outcome of our life.

The sooner we accept this and put it into action, the better our lives will be.

You with me?

Image credit to Zenishwa thank you!

#accountability #personalresponsibility #selfawareness #coaching

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