vrijdag 28 april 2023

More info on Kali Yuga.

The Prescribed Method of Self-Realization

Due to the harsh environment of the age, the process of self-actualization in Kali Yuga is simplified. Our lives are short and we have few resources at our disposal for pursuing spirituality. Therefore, Krishna appears in this age as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to inaugurate the process of chanting the names of God, or kīrtana, as the best and easiest method to attain enlightenment.

Symptoms of Kali Yuga

There are many symptoms of Kali Yuga given in the Srimad Bhagavatam and other Vedic texts. What follows is a compilation of some of the prominent symptoms of the age:

  1. Genuine religion will disappear day by day.
  2. People will be unclean, untruthful, merciless, short-lived, and of weak memory.
  3. Wealth alone will be the indicator of a person’s social status.
  4. Those with power and influence will escape justice and flout the law.
  5. In place of marriage, men and women will live together simply due to romantic attraction
  6. The worth of a man or woman will be judged according to their expertise in sex.
  7. Success in business will depend on deceit.
  8. Those who do not have money will be considered substandard human beings.
  9. Hypocrisy will be accepted as a virtue.
  10. Beauty will be judged simply by one’s hairstyle.
  11. People will think that eating well is the highest goal of life.
  12. People will practice religion simply to achieve fame.
  13. There will be widespread famine and excess taxes, and people will be forced to flee to forests and mountains.
  14. The maximum duration of life will be 50 years.
  15. By the end of Kali Yuga, human beings will be of a reduced size, the Vedas will be completely forgotten, and the leaders of society will be thieves.
  16. People will have no other professions than simply cheating, killing, and stealing from one another.

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