zaterdag 29 april 2023

How the negative forces work.

The origin of worldly conflicts lies solely in human weakness and selfishness. 

The mental battle between the White Lodge and the Black Adepts began at the time of Atlantis and is being fought at this time. 

 World conflicts Negative forces will be fought between the world religions, mainly on mental and astral levels. Fanaticism, firm theological positions and materialistic selfishness are actively organized in churches of all continents and all denominations. 

 The coming battle will also break out within the churches themselves. 

 The battle will therefore extend to the thinking people who have rejected religion. 

 For those who are receptive to the new spiritual influences, they are confronted with what is old and established.

Negative forces mentally psychologically apply their methods to inner planes, such as:

  • Distorting human thinking through press, radio and television
  • The spread of half-truths
  • Attributing false motives to others
  • Bringing up grievances from the past
  • Predict impending difficulties
  • Feeding past prejudices and hatreds
  • Emphasizing religious and national differences

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