zondag 26 maart 2023

Some thoughts on esoteric wisdom.

David Icke writes in his work that occult means hidden. It can be used for the benefit of humanity. So it becomes white magic. I have no problem with white magic, I only refuse black magic or the faustian bargain. People in the Jewish Sanhedrin are also scolars of magic because they must know how to protect themselves against the black arts. So far, I always refused the Faustian bargain. I would rather die than sell my soul. So I hope that the community of Christians understand that the esoteric is only bad when it becomes black magic. If it helps humanity there is no problem. The Popes also used astrology and white magicians will never attack the Bible as a holy book among others.

The Faustian Bargain 

Many people on Earth sell their soul to The Dark Lodge in exchange for great power and wealth. This is known as “The Faustian Bargain.” Many famous political and industrial leaders of Earth (past & present) have taken The Faustian Bargain. Those who take The Faustian Bargain are greedy short-sighted fools, for the bargain ends at death, and the bargainers find themselves in the darkest pit of hell, where the only music is the gnawing of teeth and the tearing of flesh. And since they no longer have a soul, they no longer have the ability to evolve their way out of this hell, and are stuck there for all eternity.

Were the three wise men wizards?

They were magicians and astrologers,
and the Gospel never calls them kings.

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