zondag 26 maart 2023

Dr Gabriel Cousens : Let's Meditate for World Peace & Light Every Day Together!

Let's meditate for World Peace & Light every day together. Dr. Cousens asks us to join him to act for Peace and meditate at the same time all over the world together, using the visualization he shared during the Global Peace 21 event. The visualization is the combination of True Scalar Field Activation and Peace 21 Meditation.

See the recording here.

Join Us Every Day @ 10 PM Israel time, 9 PM Europe, 8 PM UK, 

4 PM Brazil, 3 PM Eastern, and 12 PM (noon) Pacific time 

Click here to convert to your timezone



Important departure from the usual √1 % formula

Please meditate for peace on a daily basis.
The more people we can collectively motivate to meditate and pray for peace,
the greater the effect on the global mind.
It is scientifically proven that it works.
For a city like Antwerp in Belgium
The square root of 1% of the population
makes 72 people to meditate every day for peace.
That is a goal we can accomplish.
For a country like Belgium we can also do the math.
The current population of Belgium is 11,726,735
This makes 343 people to meditate for worldpeace.


King James Bible

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."

Matthew 5:9


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