dinsdag 28 februari 2023

Voice of God / MK Ultra Mind Control / By Cathy O'Brien.

"Truth is hard to see when we first open our eyes to the reality that we share this planet with very dark energy force people. They are not like us. They do not like us. Yet they only have as much power as we give them or let them steal. Once we look into their Psychological Warfare bag of tricks, their illusions of control are diffused."

"Dare to look at Presidential Administrations with awareness of this dark Cabal’s agenda which has been hiding under the 1947 National Security Act since its inception. Information on MK Ultra mind control was brought into the US in the wake of WWII through Project Paperclip and has been slowly creeping in behind the ‘seen’ ever since. This shadow government deep state swamp of perpeTraitors is hellbent on implementing what Hitler, Bush, and Biden term New World Order."

- Cathy O'Brien


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