donderdag 23 februari 2023

Rosaries with Saint Germain and Divine Director.

Saint Germain, awaken people to the reality that we have an economy that is designed to allow a small elite to exploit the general population through money. All monetary instruments camouflage the fact that a small elite controls the money system.

Saint Germain, awaken people to the reality that in an ideal economy, society will control the money system because people will see that nothing is more important for the prosperity of a society than a naturally functioning money system

Saint Germain, awaken people to the reality that what has allowed the fallen beings to create the artificial money system is war. What we have today is a wartime economy.

Saint Germain, awaken people to reality that the wartime economy began with medieval kings who wanted to expand their territory. They needed to raise money for a war beyond what could be produced by their citizens.

Saint Germain, awaken people to the reality that producing weapons for war will not grow the overall economy. If you create the production cabapility to produce weapons and an army, you are taking value away from the country's economy.

Saint Germain, awaken people to the reality that the only way to produce weapons is to disconnect money from the exchange of real goods, giving money intrinsic value.

Saint Germain, awaken people to the reality that a leader can now create more money than the goods produced in his country. He can use that money to buy something that the normal production capacity cannot produce.

Saint Germain, awaken people to the reality that war always produces a deficit in the economy. The fallen beings then cover the deficit with the money they have created out of nothing, but this pushes the debt into the future.

Saint Germain, awaken people to the reality that there are different classes of fallen beings. Some have a primitive quest for power, and they were the kings. The more sophisticated fallen beings became the bankers.

Divine Director, awaken people to the reality that the kings were often controlled by fallen beings beings in the emotional realm or the mental realm. The bankers were controlled by fallen beings in the identity realm who had a hidden agenda.

Divine Director, awaken people to the reality that the more sophisticated fallen beings took advantage of the more primitive fallen beings to create an economy that furthers their ends.

Divine Director, awaken people to the reality that the kings waging war and the bankers making money were just pawns in a larger game, and this game was played by the fallen beings in the identity realm.

Divine Director, awaken people to the reality that the fallen beings in the identity realm want to prove God wrong by getting self-aware co-creators to misuse their free will to the point where they destroy themselves, rather than grow in self-awareness. They do this by creating war and by creating debt.

Divine Director, awaken people to the reality that debt neutralizes the natural Law of Multiplied Return by creating an artificial economy. It is a downward spiral because it is constantly pushing a snowball of debt in front of it that becomes bigger and bigger until it can no longer be paid back.

Divine Director, awaken people to the reality that the fallen beings are not concerned about having the debt paid back. They want the nations to continue pay interest because the interest is what they can use to grow their own wealth and power.

Divine Director, awaken people to the reality that money is created out of nothing, but the interest is taken from the people and their labor. The bankers provide something that has no intrinsic value, and they get something back that has intrinsic value because it is tied to people's labor.

Divine Director, awaken people to the reality that the fallen beings indirectly reaping the fruits of peoples' labor. The feudal system of the Middle Ages is still in existence, only it has become hidden through the veil of the complexity of the money system.

Divine Director, awaken people to the reality that behind this is a larger rationale of a creating self-destructive economy that decreases the amount of wealth, and thereby, serves the end of causing a self-destructive spiral.


In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the forces behind war!

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