zondag 15 januari 2023

The Six Foundations & Sevenfold Peace.


From “Spiritual Nutrition, Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini” by Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

1. Spiritual Nutrition: a Vegan-Organic-Live-Food, High Mineralized, Low Sugar, High Hydration Diet according to one’s constitution, and made with Love; and Spiritual Fasting twice a year.

2. Building Life Force (Prana; Chi; Nefesh נפש): Yoga Asanas, Pranayama (Breathing Practices), Ophanim (Energetics of the Hebrew Letters),T’ai Chi, Reiki, Tachyon Energy and other energy practices such as Sacred Dance all enhance and expand the Consciousness of the body-mind complex, filling it with Life Force Energy.

3. Service (Sheirut שירות) and Charity (Tzedaka צדקה): In the process of service and charity, we are able to face our attachments to things (Seva), as well as to feel our connection to all the family of humanity which expands Consciousnessthrough Direct Experience.

4. Spiritual Guidance and Inspiration (Satsang): Satsang means being in the Energy of Absolute Truth. It usually means being in the Presence of a Liberated Being who has realized this Truth such as an Awakened Spiritual Teacher. Satsanggives meaning, value, heart, and energy to spiritual wisdom teachings and spiritual life energetics. In the Kabbalah, Satsang is termed Yechidut. Sangha (or Kehila קהילה) Chavurahחבורה means spending time with spiritually-focused people or community. Expanding and refining the mind with spiritual wisdom teachings, the great scriptures such as Zohar, the Torah, the Tao Te Ching, the Vedas, the Holy Bible, and profound Mystical Poetry such as that of Hafiz, Rumi, and Blake. Wisdom literature helps us formulate and focus our consciousness while expanding it. Zero Point, Sacred Music, and spending Time in Nature are also part of this foundation.

5. Silence: Meditation (Hitbodedut התבודדות), Prayer (Tefila תפילה), Repetition of Mantra (Hagia הגיה), and Devotional Chanting (Mizmor מזמור) in the God-Focused Traditions are all methods to unveil Spiritual Silence.

6. Kundalini Awakening: Shaktipat Initiation (S’micha Le’shefa - Haniha חניכה (is the awakening of the Divine spiritual force that is resting in potential within us. This is known as the Descent of Grace and usually occurs through a Living Enlightened Spiritual Leader, but also may occur spontaneously. Once the spiritual energy is activated, it begins to spontaneously move through our body from the root of the spinal cord upwards, spiritualizing every cell, every fiber of the DNA, every Chakra, every channel of the subtle nervous system (Nadis), every organ, gland, and tissue so that all Consciousness becomes activated into the next evolutionary stage of growth.

The Six Foundations are not goals to be attained; rather they are foundational lifestyle practices for “Awakened Normality”. The spiritual life requires commitment and intensity and is not an easy ride. The spiritual practices are designed to help people come into balance in all aspects of life. They are a chance to build your spiritual body so that it may hold more light.


This includes choosing to take responsibility for your own personal health and to improve the ecology of your personal body just as you would care for the planet. I recommend exercising aerobically at least three times per week for one-half hour, practicing deep breathing at least once a day (with ten cycles of seven-count in and seven-count out deep breaths), getting sufficient sleep and relaxation, and drinking sufficient pure water. A sign of adequate hydration is urinating every 2 hours.

Enhance your own inner peace by learning to meditate or pray, and do it on a daily basis. Enhance peace with the planetary mind by thinking positive thoughts and becoming a living-feeling prayer of peace, love, and compassion. Enhance peace with the cosmic mind by trying to begin each thought, word, and action with love, compassion, and peace.

Forgive everybody. Forgiveness ends the negative memory and dispels the energy of conflict. Forgiveness is the blessing of living peace. The power of becoming a feeling prayer of peace is that it allows us to activate the hologram of peace that exists somewhere in every person and in every family, tribe, and culture.

Make a point to volunteer or contribute to humanitarian causes and organizations. Check with any local peace center for a list of causes and ways to contribute. Develop your livelihood so that it supports or expresses your personal and planetary peace values. Start this one step at a time. It may take several years, so be patient and persistent.

Participate in art, music, drama, or other cultural events that inspire and connect you with the eternal values of love, peace, beauty, truth, and the Divine in all. Make peace with your own cultural roots. Ask your parents or grandparents for stories about your cultural origins. Try to find and appreciate the flourishing of peace and joy in all cultures.

Become conscious of the ways in which you participate in a global system that draws from natural resources, and recognize how Ego-driven desires for the accumulation of material goods, power, wealth, and status have led to an imbalanced distribution of these resources among the beings on this planet. Commit yourself to reflect on your present relationship to ecology, and then strive to ensure your personal material consumption habits, as well as those of your community, your nation, and all of humanity reflect the highest intention to promote a more just relationship with the natural ecology and all beings on the Earth. Upgrade from domination to dominion in relationship to the living planet.

Find your own personal way to connect with God every day. Allow yourself to express in the world as the living will and flow of the Divine.


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