donderdag 22 december 2022

U2, A. R. Rahman - Ahimsa (Lyric Video).

The word "ahimsa" consists of a privative prefix "a" and "himsa”, derived from the Sanskrit root "hims" meaning striking; himsa is the act of injuring or killing. Thus ahimsa means abstaining from harming, hurting or killing. But it means much more, as Mohandas Gandhi said: "Ahimsa is not only to refrain from killing. Himsa is causing pain or destroying a life in anger, in a selfish act or with the desire to harm. To refrain from doing so is ahimsa." But suppressing the violence of a gesture is not enough; one must radically rid oneself of any intention to harm: "The essential element in violence is the violent intent behind the thought, word or act, i.e., the intent to do harm to the so-called opponent." Patanjali refers to ahimsa in one sutra only, sutra II, 35: "When nonviolence in speech, thought and action occurs, one’s aggressive nature is relinquished and others abandon hostility in one’s presence." Thus ahimsa is a powerful force that can transform the world, both within and around us.

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