zaterdag 24 december 2022

Let's meditate together for world peace [free event].

Dear Tree of Life Community,

On December 21st at 6:45 pm Israel time (8:45 am PST), we will be giving our solstice peace 21 meditation which I have done on the 21st of each equinox and solstice since 1985.

When people gather together to meditate for world peace, we can literally change the awareness of the global mind. Over 300 research articles since 1973 have proven this. How big an effect we have on bringing the energies of peace into the global mind depends on us. 

Obviously, the world is far from peaceful globally, but even the square root of 1% meditating in a geographical area has been shown to make a difference. So... I invite all of you to join our global peace meditation at 6:45 pm Israel time (8:45 am PST) on the 21st. Our efforts do make a difference, however small at this point. We can and do make a difference and Peace Will Prevail on Earth.

See the recording here.

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