zondag 2 oktober 2022

Wisdom of today by Michael Beckwith.

Beloved Community,

As prayerful folk we seek to be in a continual realization of the bounty and beauty of the Presence of The Highest. We seek an ever-increasing expansion of our awareness of that which is true and eternal until it becomes the activity of our consciousness. Like yeast in the dough, Truth becomes active in us beyond mere memory or belief. Because we have an active prayer life, we do not succumb to being the prey of those who would profit from us being afraid, anxious, worried, and thinking we are not good enough. We do not give in to the rabid sense of separation, polarization, and fear-mongering that, at times, moves through our global society via outdated news media and spurious gossip. Instead, via a fiery conviction grown from affirmative prayer, we carry the feeling tone of well-being, harmonizing prosperity, safety, and wellness that does not come from the world but from our moment-by-moment awareness of our oneness with the God Life.

Though this season is a season of the harvest of fruit and crops, we realize that it's a continual harvest time of the fruits of our conscious attention. We are surrounded by abundance and a field of infinite possibilities. Through our spiritual technology of prayer, meditation, and Life Visioning we no longer live as prey by the world of appearances, we live in a perpetual harvest of more good than we can imagine. Via our prayer life, we are choosing something wonderful from the field of infinite possibilities instead of defaulting to the emotional contagion that has normalized itself as incessant worry. You are bigger and better than that. Rise in your spiritual practice and prove it to yourself. It’s harvest time!


Rev. Michael B. Beckwith
Founder & Spiritual Director

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