woensdag 28 september 2022

Wisdom of today by Michael Beckwith.

Some people think that the eternal is a long time. No, the eternal has nothing to do with time at all, it is something that exists without an end or a beginning. It is what it is. Love is. Peace is. Joy is. Wisdom is. Life is. So when we understand ‘Time For The Eternal,’ we begin to understand that time is the canvas upon which we get to paint with the colors of our soul. The question is, what are you doing with your canvas? Are you painting with complaint and criticism, or are you using this canvas called time to perfect your loving? Are you using this canvas of time on your own self unfoldment? Are you infusing your canvas with divine love, creativity, generosity, bliss, and beauty?


Michael B. Beckwith

Excerpted from Agape's Sunday service, September 18, 2022 

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