zaterdag 10 september 2022

David Sorensen : Is there a way to stop world tyranny, and restore world freedom?

If you are properly informed, you know that the world is essentially ruled by concealed financial entities, who use their unlimited resources to control governments, news media, health care, social media, and so on.

Their official agenda is to enslave every human being on earth, for their own further enrichment, and to gain an even greater level of control over humanity. This is called Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, the New World Order, Build Back Better, etc. If we don’t act, we will lose far more than just our freedom. Their plan is to literally own everything on earth. Everything. While they want us to own nothing. This is an official statement from the World Economic Forum:

"By 2030 you will own nothing, have no privacy and be happy”.

Articles from the World Economic Forum declare that new technologies will make sure that they will record our every action, thought, and dream.

They literally control the mind of mankind, through media. As a result, the majority of the people unquestioningly follow along with anything the tyrants demand, no matter how insane it is. How can we liberate the people from this mind control by the media? By building new media, that will show them the truth. Once people understand what is really going on, they shift from brainless compliance, to intelligent resistance.

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