zondag 28 augustus 2022

Wisdom of today.

People living in the status quo don't necessarily think about a kind and just global society, or a world full of peace and harmony. Instead, they're narrowly focused on how to keep the status quo going. The world may know how we're going to handle the next pandemic, or how we're going to handle the next war, but this is why we produce these events over and over again; because we're always preparing for them.
There are two aspects in knowing what the future holds. One is that we know that God holds the future, and the other is that the future is created and co-created by those who have vision. Therefore, we need to pull out from the world of appearances, articulate the world we want to live in, and stand firm in the people we want to be. Write down on a piece of paper: "I see my life infused with such beauty and joy. I see my life infused with such abundance and prosperity, such creativity. I am a fountain of compassion, I am a fountain of love, I am a fountain of generosity and creativity. I see my life and myself as a flowing fountain of such good. I am a beneficial presence of the Highest."

Begin by thinking about your life and what's most important to you. Then, take this opportunity to describe the world you want to live in. Maybe start by describing a healthcare system that treats the poor and the rich precisely the same, or a legal system in which brown and black people are granted the same amount of justice as rich white people. It's critical to describe the world you want to live in, instead of fighting the world you don't want to live in. Begin to embrace, describe, and walk in the direction of this world.

Are you ready to make this a daily habit of yours?


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