zaterdag 27 augustus 2022

Wisdom of today.

The purpose of business should be to fill society’s living needs, and it must also create an environment in which happiness and self-development flourish, and where art and beauty are encouraged. All else is an invasion of the ego into business endeavors.

Long ago, our life was based on a model of survival that bred a sense of competition. Darwinian theory taught survival of the fittest based on a belief in scarcity, in which the fittest individuals got the goods. This model is extinct because we actually live in a world of plentitude. Those who collaborate—not those who overpower—don't only survive; they thrive.

Businesses and leadership that focus on scarcity and competition cause harm to themselves, their communities, their clients, and humanity. They cannot and do not evolve. A successful business model must be based on sound business practices and service. The principle of oneness, the interconnectedness of all life, combines with a successful business model to form an enlightened point of view with long-term benefits.

Business Week reported that 95 percent of Americans no longer support the notion that a corporation’s only purpose is the greedy bottom line. Recently, there's been major backlash over CEOs in powerful corporations who profit billions of dollars, while their corporate mismanagement causes individuals to lose their jobs and homes. In the consciousness of the mature individual, money is the by-product of walking in the direction of our life’s purpose. Such individuals do not consider their livelihood as simply a resource for cold, hard cash, but as an avenue for their creativity and the sharing of their gifts, talents, passions, and resources. When one’s product or service is delivered from a platform of creativity, generosity, service, excellence, integrity, and beauty, then the whole web of life is uplifted.

Imagine a business world where money was a by-product to a purpose much, much bigger. What would the world look like? How would employees feel about the company they are going to battle for?

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