vrijdag 19 augustus 2022

Michael's Wisdom.

As you embody this realization, you will cease competing for love, recognition, and attention. You will know that you are one of a kind, that your life is on purpose, and that you are loved, guarded, and guided by Existence. When you say “yes” to authentically being who you are, your purpose reveals itself in language your heart can understand. Instead of operating from a place of cunningness, and manipulating the world around you, you navigate life from your identification with the First Cause of creation; your Source.

As you begin to touch who and what you really are, you participate in the art of real living. From the boardroom, to the meditation room, to the bathroom sink, the impress of the uniqueness of your being energetically falls upon all that encompasses your world.

A trustworthy and accurate indicator that you are moving toward reclaiming your true identity is when your life centers on your inner evolution. You begin your search for a spiritual path that makes sense to your heart AND your head, one that teaches you how to expand consciousness and become a beneficial presence on the planet.

You live free from the shackles of societal thought forms that would bind you into a collective agreement with the status quo. You begin to attain self-mastery over your thought patterns and your behavior patterns. You accept the invitation of the master teacher Jesus to “come out from among them” and dare to be your Authentic Self.

Are you ready to get your head and heart in sync to become your authentic self?

Michael Beckwith.

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