vrijdag 26 augustus 2022

About drugs and the importance of prevention. (English / Dutch).

I grew up in an environment where sex, drugs and rock 'n roll was the highest good. I am grateful that I learned to play an instrument thanks to my dad who payed for my education in music. Yoga saved my life getting me far away from using drugs, finally after decades. Through the practice of yoga and initiation by Swami Nardanand in the Siddha Maha Yoga tradition, my interest in drugs disappeared step by step. I will never judge the addict because I see them as the victims of what Dion Fortune called the black lodge. The black lodge tries to destroy people through the drug industry, one of the biggest industries in the world next to human trafficking. I hope that one day humanity will overcome these crimes. Never give up.


Visiting my friend Charles John Jarvis is rehab. Praying for his success. (in Dutch)


I pray for the rise of integrity.


K. Gabriel

Archieffoto van Charles Jarvis uit Gazet Van Antwerpen.

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