vrijdag 8 juli 2022

The Medical Establishment (profit-driven).

Danger: Sickness is Profitable

Our health care system has a fundamental flaw: more money is made when people are sick rather than healthy. Pharmaceuticals profit when they sell more drugs and doctors make more money when they see more patients.

How did we develop such a backwards system and why is there so much emphasis on treating sickness with pills? When I followed the money, I found that the same banking elite who control all major areas of human endeavor – such as oil, food, and education – are also behind the current health care system. The Rockefeller Foundation plays an integral part in funding universities to teach drug-based medicine. They then profit from investments in major pharmaceutical companies. At the same time, the American Medical Association (AMA) and major pharmaceutical corporations – also backed by the banking elite – lobby and fund politicians in Washington while suppressing viable health alternatives. You can learn more about this history of control and suppression in the “Follow the Money” section of the website.

Read all by clicking on the link below.


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