vrijdag 6 mei 2022

Wisdom by Michael Beckwith.

"This can be a challenge to goal setting, which always seeks a successful outcome that makes us look and feel good. Our part, however, is to make our delivery with all the passion, creativity, intelligence, and non-attachment that we can. To offer it as an unconditional gift that seeks no reward, that has no agenda other than to give of itself.

Therefore, we need to realize that we are on the planet to deliver our gifts, talents, and skills without attachment to the outcome. When we remain non-attached, we go beyond mentally limiting our good to that which we are convinced we need to be happy.

The bane of human experience is that human beings think they know how the Universe should answer their prayers. But we are here not to make something happen; we are here to let ourselves be available as a distribution center for that which is possible on a cosmic level.

Through an affirmative point of view -- a “yes” approach -- which maintains an openness and receptivity to the field of infinite possibilities, a person radiates a glow from within that is highly magnetic and contagious. Luminosity radiates from an authentically happy individual, a glow that cannot be extinguished, hijacked, or robbed by external circumstances.

Are you ready to dive deeper into your prayer practice? Then join me for my free Masterclass on prayer on [MARCH 18]."

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