maandag 30 mei 2022

Michael Beckwith's wisdom of today from the Agape Community.

Let’s look at Vitamin C for instance, because we know it's good for us. If you understand the efficacy of how it works on the body temple, then when you take it, it will be enhanced throughout your immune system.

It's the same with the 4 stages of spiritual awakening. When you study the map, read about it, and do the practice, it enhances and expedites your spiritual growth, development, and unfoldment, because now you know why as well as what. Like an open door welcoming limitless possibilities, our thoughts can invite physical healing, prosperity, right livelihood, loving relationships, creativity, and spiritual awakening.

When we evolve from Victim Consciousness to Manifester Consciousness, thought energy is channeled in a mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy direction.

Therefore, health is the real wealth. It's extremely important for people to stay healthy because we've incarnated on the planet with unique gifts and talents. Our body temple must be strong enough to expand our capacity for more energy to flow through so we can do the work we're called to do and live the life we're called to live.

If one is constantly going to the doctor or constantly seeking to repair the body, or is constantly sick, the body has become a liability rather than an asset. Energy is drawn away from why we are here, which is to be joyful, loving, generous, creative, and bring about beauty on the planet. That's very difficult if one is chronically sick, mentally, emotionally, or physically.

Our physical, emotional, and mental health are all connected. We created AdaptoZen to synergistically foster physical vitality, balanced emotions, and clarity of mind.�

Are you taking your vitamins and providing your body with necessary exercising? Share with me in the comments below.

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