zaterdag 28 mei 2022

John Assaraf is a wonderful trainer.

"Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others".

- Lessons from Gabriel Gonsalves & dr Gabriel Cousens -

Interesting training for people who want to release their limiting believes about money and succes.

I learned from Magdalena Picavet that money is just energy when she gave an interview on her near-death experience online. It is not good or bad, it is what you do with it. I am also connected to a Muslim charity and donate Zakaat when I can miss it and I hope for the unification of at least all the Abrahamic religions.

=> (John Assaraf)

In my Ayurveda study I am learning that it is important to find your dharma, finding your purpose in life for yourself and humanity. I am still recovering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with nightmares because the subconscious is recovering but I am not willing to give up because I want to make a difference. I am also following and supporting the work of the great doctor Roy and and His partner Joy Martina.

I work from a purpose of service and not selfishness but if we don't come clear with ourselves and develop healthy self-love, we can't take care of others. I survived at least 4 burn-outs but I am still fighting back. Setting healthy boundaries is also very important.

I start soon with volunteers work with Michael Bernard Beckwith at Agape.

I love humanity so much that I don't want to give up.
I want to make a difference for the least among us.

Love you all,

K. Gabriel

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