maandag 25 april 2022

Wisdom of today by Michael Beckwith.

"With meditative practice, affirmative prayer, and life visioning, we create a solid foundation for our true self to emerge through us. By going into silence and deep insight, we can focus our attention on forgiving ourselves and release the emotions that are holding us back from doing so.

Sit down in a quiet and calm place, focus inward and into your heart and onto the words: “I take responsibility for my actions, and forgive myself for all that I have knowingly or unknowingly done to hurt myself and any other individuals. I release myself from the bondage of unforgiveness. I am free, free in the freedom that has always been mine. I claim it now. Guilt, shame, and blame are now neutralized by the unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness which saturate my awareness, my heart, my entire being. Right here and right now, I am cleansed of the toxin of unforgiveness. I begin afresh and give thanks for this realization.”

With this, you cleanse and release yourself from any vibration that keeps you attached to not forgiving yourself, and from any negative or low vibrational attachments that no longer serve you."

Michael Beckwith

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