maandag 18 april 2022

Mike (Michael) Adams (Natural News) : Global INTOXICATION explains the FALL of humanity.

Here’s a short list of intoxication vectors affecting humanity right now:

  • Money (blinds people to rationality)
  • Medications (especially psychotropic drugs)
  • Social media (begging for likes)
  • Cult acceptance (LGBT cults, etc.)
  • Sex (addition, power, perversion)
  • Water supply (fluoride, other toxins)
  • Electropollution (5G, wifi, broadcast signals)
  • Air (aerosolized toxins, chemtrails)
  • Food (pesticides, GMOs)
  • Alcohol (addiction)
  • Recreational drugs (addiction, dumbing down)
  • Television (opiate of the masses)
  • Technology (blind worship of tech as your god)
  • Power over others (the power to control people)

Most of humanity is preoccupied with these intoxicating substances, dynamics and powers, rendering them unable to process the reality of the world around them. As a result, they are not preparing for the global food scarcity and debt bomb collapse that are both being engineered.

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