maandag 31 januari 2022

Update on current Google censorship.

It seems like I've been blocked from using Google Chrome after criticism on NATO's action towards Russia on facebook. My browser just doesn't start anymore after I shared some criticism on NATO's policy against Russia. Together with Madeleine Klinkhamer from the Netherlands I am a pro-Russian activist and am praying and hoping for Peace between Nato and Russia. I am currently still walking the Path of a Nirmanakaya, a Bodhisattva of Compassion after doing that vow at age 23. I am 39 of age now, overcame years of abuse which resulted in addictions in the past which resembles symptoms of PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after being forced to take psychiatric drugs that I don't want. This resulted in a suicide attempt in the past, that I won't do again. I deceided to fight back and share my story.āṇakāya

Buddha(s) of Compassion

One who, having won all, gained all b gained the right to kosmic peace and bliss and renounces it so that he may return as a Son of Light in order to help humanity, and indeed all that is.

The Buddhas of Compassion are the noblest flowers of the human race. They are men who have raised themselves from humanity into quasi-divinity; and this is done by letting the light imprisoned within, the light of the inner god, pour forth and manifest itself through the humanity of the man, through the human soul of the man. Through sacrifice and abandoning of all that is mean and wrong, ignoble and paltry and selfish; through opening up the inner nature so that the god within may shine forth; in other words, through self-directed evolution, they have raised themselves from mere manhood into becoming god-men, man-gods and human divinities.

They are called Buddhas of Compassion because they feel their unity with all that is, and therefore feel intimate magnetic sympathy with all that is, and this is more and more the case as they evolve, until finally their consciousness blends with that of the universe and lives eternally and immortally, because it is at one with the universe. "The dewdrop slips into the shining sea" , its origin.

Feeling the urge of almighty love in their hearts, the Buddhas of Compassion advance forever steadily towards still greater heights of spiritual achievement; and the reason is that they have become the vehicles of universal love and universal wisdom. As impersonal love is universal, their whole nature expands consequently with the universal powers that are working through them. The Buddhas of Compassion, existing in their various degrees of evolution, form a sublime hierarchy extending from the Silent Watcher on our planet downwards through these various degrees unto themselves, and even beyond themselves to their chelas or disciples. Spiritually and mystically they contrast strongly with what Asiatic occultism, through the medium of Buddhism, has called the Pratyeka Buddhas.

I also want to share the mantra of the Earth Store Bodhisattva, one of my favorite bodhisattva's. It has the ability to even calm down the demons so that they might stop their demonic activity and get a better life themselves.

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