zaterdag 1 januari 2022

Happy New Year to all.

A Happy New Year to all my readers. It was a healthy New Year's Eve to New Years Day without cigarettes, alcohol and / or other drugs (only coffee to keep me awake). I still follow the rules and regulations from the Veda's and the bhakti yoga tradition the best I can at the moment: no gambling, no meat eating, no illicit sex and no intoxication and chanting the maha mantra. To the Ones I support one Patreon, be patient, I'll be back on monday. My funds are limited but I do what I can for you.

I managed to combat the enemies of spiritual life in my own life.


Kristo(f) Gabriel

More info :

"The Srimad-Bhagavatam explains that a peaceful, spiritually progressive culture rests on four pillars-austerity, truthfulness, cleanliness and mercy. These four qualities indicate a state of goodness conducive to spiritual aspiration. Unfortunately, the characteristic of this Kali-yuga is that men become inclined toward four basic sinful activities that break these four pillars of religiosity, leading men into the darkness of passion and ignorance. These four degrading activities, which cause humanity in this age to fall from the spiritual path into frustrated materialism, are gambling, intoxicating habits, illicit sex, and animal slaughter and eating of animal foodstuffs (meat, fish and eggs)."

"Nearly all the people of the world today commonly engage in many or all of these practices. One of them, eating of animal foods, is usually begun in the first year of life, and the other three are usually taken up-with or without society's consent—in the teen-age years or even before. In fact, the reader may well find that in the course of presenting this information, I have identified his favorite pastimes. My purpose in doing so is not to condemn or even criticize. But I know that few people in the world have a good understanding of why one should not engage in these four activities. The problem, therefore, is not so much negligence as a lack of understanding, and my only interest in now presenting criticism of these activities is to help the reader understand why one should abandon them if he wants to awaken his eternal Krishna consciousness, or even lead a peaceful, happy life in this world."

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