dinsdag 30 november 2021

Wisdom of today, by friends of Vasudeva.

Let us not lay blame of our politicians, our community leaders, even those who are evil minded.

They have come with these qualities; they have all come with these qualities.
They are players on a world stage. They are “what is.”
We do not need to condemn them, we do not need to lay blame on them, but let us look at the formula that can unite us all.
This is a given; the platform of the world is a given!
We cannot change that.
But we could change now our consciousness in a way that will also ripple in the collective consciousness!
That is how we will have a better world.
Do you know now, that the children who are being born in this new world and new time are different children?
They don’t have just the ordinary consciousness of separateness. So when we try to educate them with the old values, these children will rebel against us.
We are trying to give them old values! We need to be aware of the young minds that are coming up, and train them well.
We are feeding them the entertainment values that we have had in the past – all the violence, all the war.
Shouldn’t we be having movies with greater values? Shouldn’t we be training our children to be more holistic in thinking - eating well, appreciating physical activities, understanding human values, learning to relate to each other - shouldn’t we be doing that? Shouldn’t we be teaching these young minds this? That is the call of the Universe.
Lay blame on no one.
Accept “what is,” but let us work together in harmony with the noble intention of co-creating a new world.
That is the work of the Blue Star. That is why Blue Star exists! That is why Sri Vasudeva exists!.
Let us take the responsibility – let us take the responsibility together for the co-creation of a new world.

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