woensdag 6 oktober 2021

Wisdom of today.

There is no actual drug-use as a path to liberation in any of the traditions.

Another way to understand it is sanatana dharma, the natural way of living that brings us to liberation. When we build the internal structures capable of holding the higher divine fire through a natural way of living, including the Six Foundations, we ensure the durability necessary to support these higher, intensified spiritual frequencies.

The Six Foundations includes eating a 100% organic, 80% live-food, 100% vegan diet; prana-building exercises such as Ophanim, tai chi, yoga asana, and ecstatic dance; service and charity; staying spiritually inspired by working with a spiritual teacher; meditation, prayer, and chanting to silence the mind; and shaktipat or haniha, which awakens each individual’s spiritual energy.


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