dinsdag 20 juli 2021

On generosity.

The Compendium of Perfections says:

If you see the impermanence of resources

And naturally have great compassion

You will know with good reason that the gifts

You have kept in your house belong to others?

There is never fear from what is given away;

But what is kept at home gives rise to fears

That it is insufficient, ordinary, or needing constant protection.

If you give away, these faults never harm you.

By giving away you achieve happiness in future lives;

Not giving brings suffering in this life.

Human wealth is like a shooting star -

What is not given away will cease to exist.

Wealth not given is transitory and will be gone;

By giving it away it remains a treasury.

Wealth of no value comes to have value

When you strive to help living beings.

The wise praise giving wealth away.

The childish persons likes to hoard it.

No wealth is kept by holding on to it.

From giving it alway excellence always arises.

By giving things away, you no longer grasp the afflictions;

Being miserly breeds afflictions on an ignoble path.

Noble beings say generosity is the best path,

While its opposite is a bad path.

From The Great Treatise on the stages of the Path to Enlightenment, Volume 2

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