dinsdag 6 juli 2021

Dr Lee Shanella, Kundalini, Classical and Clinical.

The trance state in Bali serves as an important adaptive fuction for children. In parts of Africa, trance is a social and religious necessity, required for kundalini arousal.

In South Africa, a state which Western psychiatry would call acute schizophrenia is a prerequisite for initiation in the priesthood by one Kalahari tribe.

Here, we must speak of the many creative people who are now suffering because of the mistakes we have made in the past. We have a special obligation to make every effort to correct these mistakes. At this time in our society it could be that charismatic and strangely acting people as shamans, trance mediums, and masts (the God-intoxicated) might find themselves in custodial care.
Possibly there are many now so situated who could be found and released to more positive uses among us. The problem is to recognise them among other inmates of our institutions. Here Meher Baba's work with the masts would be a useful presedent to study. If it is true that, to a certain extent, “it takes one to know one”, a special and invaluable use for people who have already experienced the physio-kundalini process would be to assist us in such a project.

There are many undergoing this process who at times feel quite insane. When they behave well and keep silent they might avoid being called schizophrenic, or being hospitalized or sedated. Nevertheless their isolation and sense of separation from others may cause them much suffering. We must reach such people, their families, and society with information to help them to recognise their condition as a blessing, not a curse.

Certainly we must no longer subject such people, who might be in the midst of a rebirth process, to drugs or shock therapies, approaches which are the opposite poles to creative selfdevelopment.

These people, often confused, fearful, and disoriented, are already undergoing a therapy from within, far superior to any that we know how to administer from without.

Dr Lee Shanella, Kundalini, Classical and Clinical

For help, check out : https://spiritualemergencenetwork.org/

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