zaterdag 6 maart 2021

Wisdom of today.

It is safe to predict that such a philosophers' city would ultimately be the most practical and certain instrument for accomplishing a world point of view in all departments of human thinking.  The international nation--the dream of the future which has been inspired by the terror of modern warfare--would have its natural beginning in a union of superior intellects.  Art knows no race;  music is a common denominator;  biology and physics are served by explorers into the furthermost and innermost secrets of nature.  When we recognize that the poet, the scholar, and the savant are indeed a race inhabiting the suburbs of a superior world, that they are the noblest of our creatures, we can know that we honor ourselves most by honoring them.

Here lies the solution to the great educational reform so necessary at this time.  We can not hope to build a nobility of man upon the sterility of a narrow, competitive, materialistic educational policy.  The ignorance of man has been his undoing.  Only wisdom can restore him to his divine estate.

The religious motion in the modern world is away from theology and all the artificial limitations set up by creeds and dogmas.  To meet the ever increasing dissatisfaction, there must be a new vision concerning the substance of spiritual truth.  The religion of the future will include within its own structure the best of science, art, literature, politics, and sociology.  Spirituality is not a blind faith about things invisible.  It is an inspired use of things known and available.  That man is religious who lives well.  That man is sacrilegious who perverts universal good for purposes of private gain.  The abstract parts of religion are useful only to the degree that they justify and prove the moral virtues.

From the broad gates of the philosophers' city could flow the inspiration for a completely new estimation of the Universe, and man's relationship to it.  When the gentler parts of learning exercise dominion over the human mind, world peace will be more than the substance of things hoped for. 

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