maandag 1 maart 2021

Some Great News by Dr Roy Michael Martina.

What we have been saying from the start of the plandemic was that Vitamin D is very important in protecting against the COVID-19. YouTube and Facebook blocked this information. Using Vitamin D as coronavirus treatment reduces deaths by 60%, studies claim.

The research explored the effectiveness of using Vitamin D3 - when treating more than 550 people on COVID-19 wards of the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, Spain. The COVID-19 patients given the Vitamin D doses were 80% less likely to need intensive care treatment.

Vitamin D reduced COVID deaths by 60%.  Protect yourself, get the information! If you don’t have our protocol on how to protect yourself the best against the virus, please click here to receive all our free information on protecting yourself and boosting your immune system 👉 

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