maandag 8 februari 2021

Mike Adams (Natural News) : Explained - The essential framework for human freedom.

Under tyrannical big government, the swamp elitists want to make us all their slaves. To establish and defend our freedom, we must first understand where our rights actually come from.

They don't come from government. They actually come from God and are granted to you at the moment of conception. They persist through your entire life.

In today's philosophical Situation Update, I reveal the key origins of all human rights and how to instantly notice when governments or corporations are acting in alignment with Luciferian aims (destruction and darkness) rather than divine alignment (abundance and transparency).

This is a very important framework for understanding what comes next... and for surviving the collapse that's inevitable.


From those gifts — which can only be granted by God, as no government, corporation or person can create life or consciousness — spring a series of natural rights. These rights include:

  • The right to freedom of expression (which springs naturally from the gift of consciousness).
  • The right to say no to medical interventions (which springs naturally from the gift of life and body… i.e. you own your body).
  • The right to self-defense.
  • The right to sound money, which springs naturally from your right to benefit from the product of your conscious labor or creative works.
  • The right to travel freely, without restriction.

… and many more such rights.

In today’s Situation Update, I cover why the future of human freedom rests in codifying these divine rights into local law so that our God-given gifts and rights may be protected even in the face of federal government tyranny.

I also discuss why censorship, coercion, vaccine mandates and fiat currency systems are all expressions of Satanism, while freedom, honest money and the respect of free will are divine principles in alignment with the Creator.

Listen to today’s full podcast to gain this key understanding of the foundations of human freedom and where your rights actually come from.

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