dinsdag 26 januari 2021

Wisdom of today.

"What we are witnessing is the stirring up of the astral plane as it has never happened before, creating chaos, confusion and deception. The reason is because The Hierarchy are drawing much closer to Humanity than ever before, preceding their once in a century conclave – which of course precedes the externalization of the Hierarchy.

This is also aided by Neptune’s transit through Pisces. It is ironic that one of the names for the Christ (Maitreya) in the West is Neptune, yet in its lower expression creates much glamour in the majority of Humanity because they have not unfolded their consciousness sufficiently to deal with the highly refined frequencies of Neptune – which is buddhi or intuition.
It is up to the New Group of World Servers to deal with much of this glamour, but unfortunately it appears, many of them have succumbed to lower Neptune. Hence the many divisions right now within nations, within groups, between friends as everyone wrestles with balancing these pairs of opposites upon the astral plane." - Philip Lindsay, esoteric astrologer

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