dinsdag 26 januari 2021

How things are going. - by Kristo Gabriel

I'm preparing for books that need to be written. One will be about the need for humanity to fight for an (enlightened) democracy. I am studying a lot as a preparation for the books to come. I also am waiting for Charles John Jarvis to bring me more writings in order to let them be published as soon as possible. We are aiming at march 2021 for the publication of Charles' 'Book Free'. Discipline and work are the order of the day. I am also studying on world events from an esoteric point of view. Nostradamus warned us for the plans of the Third Anti-Christ for mass euthanasia of humanity. I am willing to stand up against these plans. We must be very aware of the plans of evil and overcome them by non-compliance to the plans of evil. We can overcome this. My numerology chart predicts me for becoming the cornerstone of my family, job and even community. I am willing to work for that as I am serving in a bodhisattvic way of being, living from the heart. The music of Madeleine Peyroux keeps me going when I have a heartache. Thank you Madeleine for that, and keep on making music.

My next book will be about democracy and the fight for the protection of our liberties and rights. I am doing this for you, beloved brothers and sisters.

Blessings for all of humanity.

May all sentient beings be released from suffering.

P.S. Happy birthday Vital Baeken (Vitalski) !!

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