vrijdag 18 december 2020

Safeguards Against the Dark Brotherhood

 Association with the Great Brotherhood of Light gives us the means by which to safeguard ourselves during the strife presently at hand. These are:

1. Purify all the physical body. If a Dark Brother gains control over any man, he will do so via some weak spot. In other words man himself opens the door to let the malignant force in. Therefore, there is the need of scrupulous cleanliness of the physical body, steady emotions in the emotional body, and purity of thought in the mental body.

2. The elimination of all fear. The forces of evolution vibrate more rapidly than those of involution and in this fact lies a recognizable security. Fear causes weakness; weakness causes disintegration; the weak spot breaks and a gap appears, and through that gap evil force may enter. The factor of entrance is the fear in man himself, who opens thus the door.

3. Standing firm and unmoved, no matter what occurs. Your feet may be bathed in the mud of earth, but your head may be bathed in the sunshine of the higher regions. Recognition of the filth of earth does not involve contamination.

4. Common sense and the application of this common sense to the matter in hand. Sleep much and, in sleeping, learn to render the body positive; keep busy on the emotional plane and achieve the inner calm. Do not overtire the body physically and play whenever possible. In hours of relaxation comes the adjustment that obviates later tension.

As the dark forces come to the end of the Piscean era, they will be going in for the kill, and the process has already started and will continue over the next few years. The Great Brotherhood of Light will teach their physical plane workers how to shield and guard themselves from attack.


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